31/10/2021 –, Room 1
Join the Semantic Lab at Pratt for a Lightning Talk journey through the evolution of their wikibase over time highlighting their recent Digital Humanities projects (Linked Jazz, E.A.T. + LOD - a partnership with the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation, and Linking Lost Jazz Shrines - a METRO Equity in Action Grant-funded project in partnership with Weeksville). Learn about the advantages, lessons learned, and ultimately how one wikibase has fostered symbiotic relationships with data across project topics and allowed flexibility to model data collaboratively.
Audiences will get a behind the scenes look at how the Semantic Lab's experiences of creating their wikibase evolved over the timeline of multiple digital humanity focused projects. Throughout this journey, they will share lessons learned with creating their wikibase, the inherent and surprising advantages of its usage, and ultimately what is next on the horizon beyond the technical gains wikibase has provided.
Link to notes:https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WikidataCon2021-WikibaseBasecampf
Outros links:Website: https://semlab.io/
Wikibase: http://base.semlab.io/wiki/Main_Page
Github: https://github.com/SemanticLab
twitter: https://twitter.com/semlabteam
Currently seeking M.S. in Museums and Digital Culture at Pratt Institute School of Information in New York City. Member or the Semantic Lab and LOD Fellow at MoMA.