WikidataCon 2021

Suas preferências de localidade foram salvas. Acreditamos que temos um excelente suporte para inglês em pretalx, mas se você encontrar problemas ou erros, por favor entre em contato conosco!

Writing schemas for Wikidata
30/10/2021 , Room 1

Join us for a collaborative schema writing workshop. Members of the ShEx Community Group will write a schema live in this workshop. We'll go over the basis of contributing schemas to Wikidata's E namespace.

Link to notes

Quais conhecimentos os participantes irão obter nesta sessão?

Participants will gain an overview of how to write a schema in the ShEx language and publish it to Wikidata's E namespace. We'll discuss how validating entity data against schemas in Wikidata's schema namespace can be used to improve data quality on Wikidata. We'll share pointers to resources for learning more and share tools that can be used for working with schemas and ShEx. Participants will see people write a schema live and get to ask questions about ShEx and Wikidata's schema namespace.





Semantic Web health care informatics geek.