31/10/2021 –, Room 1
An essential building block of the thriving Wikibase Ecosystem, that brings diverse data to Linked Open Data Web is a community of developers creating extensions to the base Wikibase functionality, tools providing new workflows, new ways of editing, curating and accessing linked open data for various audiences.
Wikimedia Deutschland focuses on providing the Wikibase software platform, which is intentionally generic. An ecosystem of connected Wikibases will only truly emerge when individuals and institutions who are experts in specialized knowledge and data have powerful technical possibilities to intuitively model, curate and connect their data in the systems based on Wikibase.
Wikimedia Deutschland cannot provide those technical solutions on its own, as we are not able to handle all use cases out there. We rather see Wikibase as a software platform and a base upon which non-staff developers will build powerful and robust tools and systems. Current APIs provided by Wikibase are limited, rigid and too hard to use for this vision to come true.
In this session we invite developers and other interested parties to share their needs, ideas and plans on extensions and tools built on Wikibase. We believe this input will help our work on enabling the ecosystem of developers around Wikibase.
At the end of the session, participants, not only WMDE speakers, will get an overview of needs, requirements and ideas of the broader group of software developers already building and interested in building software around Wikibase. We are hoping to identify common types of use cases that individuals and institutions intend to serve using Wikibase and additional software built on top of it, and get a closer understanding of the technical requirements and implications of their possible implementations.
Link dos slides:https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1cmHJT6PiP-eCiq71EKxQdV7Cm_8ZiXiJh40irwcQqLY/edit?usp=sharing
Link to notes:https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WikidataCon2021-HowcanWikimediaDeutschlandenab
Product Manager for Wikibase Ecosystem at Wikimedia Deutschland