WikidataCon 2021

Wikibase as an infrastructure for Knowledge Graphs: The EU Knowledge Graph
2021-10-31 , Room 1

Knowledge graphs are being deployed in many enterprises and institutions. An easy-to-use, well-designed infrastructure for such knowledge graphs is not obvious. After the success of Wikidata, many institutions are looking at the software infrastructure behind it, namely Wikibase.

In this paper we detail how Wikibase is used as the infrastructure behind the EU Knowledge Graph. This graph, which is deployed at the European Commission, integrates different structured information about the European Union.

We will show: the current content of the graph, how the knowledge is ingested, how it is maintained up to date, how the data is connected with Wikidata and what services are constructed around.

Link to notes

What will the participants take away from this session?

They will learn how a production deployment of Wikibase looks, what are the advantages and what can be achieved with it. Also it offers to European Citizens the opportunity to discover data that is published be the European Commission.





Link to slides

The presentation will be similar to this one but targeted to the audience and more focused on Wikibase

Other links

The Wikibase instance is available at:

The query service is available at:

The question answering service at:

The main service that is feeded by the KG at:

Dennis Diefenbach is a PhD researcher and entrepreneur in the area of Question Answering over Knowledge Graphs.

He did his PhD under a Marie Skłodowska-Curie action, Europe's most competitive and prestigious research and innovation fellowship. He worked for IBM and SAP.

Dennis Diefenbach published over 20 publications in the area of QA over Knowledge Graphs in renowned Conferences and Journals like the International Semantic Web Conference and the Semantic Web Journal.
He is the main contributor of QAnswer, the first AI driven platform to query Knowledge Graphs in natural language.
Currently his main goal is to bring these exciting technologies to industry!