WikidataCon 2021

Wikidata-based narratives for research and education
2021-10-31 , Room 2

Narratives are a fundamental way in which humans make sense of reality. A large general-purpose knowledge base such as Wikidata provides the means to build digital narratives about historical events, which can be useful for both research and educational purposes. In this presentation we will discuss the work that we have done, and the challenges that we have encountered, to extract narratives from Wikidata in the context of the Narratives in Digital Libraries project (

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What will the participants take away from this session?

The participants will learn how narratives can be modeled in a formal way, and how they can be populated with the contents of Wikidata. We will share with them our experience in developing a tool for narrative building, and its application in some concrete case studies. They will also learn about the challenges we faced when importing knowledge from Wikidata, and how these can be overcome.





Daniele Metilli (they/them) is a Research Fellow at the Department of Information Studies of UCL, London, working on the Sloane Lab project. Daniele works at the intersection of knowledge representation, digital humanities, and collaborative online projects. They hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering from the Polytechnic of Milan, a Master’s Degree in Digital Humanities from the University of Pisa, and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Pisa. Over the years, they have been active in several Linked Data projects, including DanteSources, Hypermedia Dante Network, and Mingei. They have also been an administrator of the Wikidata and English Wikipedia projects.

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Beatrice Melis (she/her) is a twenty-three years old Digital Humanities Graduate and Master's Degree Course Student at University of Pisa. Her interests in current and future studies concern the possibility of studying the poetic and literary heritage through digital-storytelling tools.