Wiki indaba 2022 Call for Submissions
With the theme, ''Advancing Africa's Agenda in the Implementation of the 2030 Movement Strategy'', WikiIndaba 2022 (04 - 06 November 2022) will also be the 7th in a series of annual African conferences which provide a unique opportunity for the Wikimedia community in Africa and the diaspora to come together, share their common goals, and develop better ways to work together.
Whether you are a community member of one of the Wikimedia projects (such as Wikipedia, Wikibooks, Wikidata, Wikisource, Wikinews, Wikimedia Commons, Wiktionary, Wikiversity, MediaWiki or others), or a fellow open content creator or consumer, we welcome your proposal for a session at WikiIndaba 2022. Sessions will consist of a number of concurrent tracks, presentations, discussions, lightning talks, invited speakers workshops and tutorials.
This is a call for submissions for the in-person conference taking place in Rwanda, Kigali from 04th-06th.November. 2022. Proposals can be submitted as a Movement Group, Affiliate, Individual or Collective of individuals.
If you would like to propose a speaker for the Keynote and Invited tracks (including yourself), you may do so by contacting the organisers of the conference. We will give particular consideration to allies and leaders of the Free Knowledge movement who can provide a new, fresh perspective on our projects or their communities.
The deadline for submissions is 23:59 GMT/UTC on 01 October 2022.
Cet appel à participation a pris fin le 14/10/2022 10:47 (UTC).