Agnes Ajuma Abah's journey from co-founding the Igala Wikimedia Community to becoming an iNaturalist observer and space scientist is a testament to her unwavering passion for knowledge, community empowerment, and exploration. Her dedication to preserving cultural heritage, promoting biodiversity, and pushing the boundaries of space science has made her a trailblazer in her fields of expertise. Agnes continues to inspire others to dream big, work hard, and make a lasting impact in the world.
Agnes Ajuma Abah 從英格拉維基媒體社群 (Igala Wikimedia Community) 的共同出資者,到成為一名愛自然的觀察員,再到成為一名太空科學家的旅程,完美展現了其對於知識、社群賦權運動、以及探索未知的堅定熱誠。不論是在保存文化遺產、推廣生物多樣性、又或是挑戰太空科學的極限方面,她的熱誠使其成為了這些領域中的領頭人之一。Agnes 至今仍然是許多人的模範,敦促著眾人,勇敢作夢,努力工作,並在世界上留下屬於自己的成就。
- Biodiversity in underrepresented languages using crowdsourcing | 小眾語言中的生物多樣性 - 群眾工作模式的探索

Data scientist and former director of Wikimedia Australia
- Wikidata ESEAP Forum | ESEAP 維基數據交流論壇

She is a librarian and Wikimedian...
- Wikidata for African Librarians - the journey so far | 非洲圖書館員的維基數據之旅

Amanda Figueroa is the Curationist Platform Director, where she uses her experience in web development and art history to increase online and free access to global cultural heritage.
Amanda Figueroa 是策展人平台的主任。透過在網頁開發和藝術史領域的專長,她旨在促進全球文化遺產社群的數位開放化。
- Workshopping Metadata Interoperability for Small Museums | 小型博物館可相互操作的後設資料工作坊

- Wikidata birthday presents lightning talks

Beat Estermann is self-employed, providing research and consulting services related to the digital transformation and has temporary, project-based affiliations with several Swiss universities. From 2007 to 2022 he worked for the Institute for Public Sector Transformation (formerly E-Government Institute) of the Bern University of Applied Sciences, since 2019 as a professor and between 2019 and 2021 as the deputy head of the institute.
He is a founding member of the association Digitale Allmend (Swiss chapter of Creative Commons), a founding member of the association Opendata.ch (Swiss chapter of the Open Knowledge Foundation) and a convinced Wikimedian. At the association Opendata.ch, he served as the coordinator of the OpenGLAM working group from 2014 to 2022, which advocates for open data and participatory approaches in the field of memory institutions; since 2018 he has been a member of the association’s board. From 2015 to 2018, he chaired the eCH specialist group “Open Government Data”, which is dedicated to standardization issues around Open Government Data.
Further information about Wikimedia-related activities can be found on the user page.
Beat Estermann 本業主要提供與數位轉型相關之研究以及諮詢服務,並且曾與數間瑞士大學有過專案合作之關係。於 2007-2022 期間曾任職於伯爾尼應用科技大學公共部門轉型學院(前身數位政府學院);並在 2019 年擔任教授一職,更於 2019-2021 期間擔任該學院之副院長。同時,Beat Estermann 也是 Digital Allmend (創用CC 瑞士分會) 與 association Opendata.ch (開放知識基金會瑞士分會) 的創始成員,與此同時更是一名熱誠的維基人。於 2014-2022 期間 Beat Estermann 是 association Opendata.ch OpenGLAM 工作組的統籌人,主要在記憶機構領域中提倡對開放資料的參與,自 2018 年起他也開始擔任 association 的董事。於 2015–2018,他擔任 eCH “政府資料開放” 專家組的主席,主要負責有關標準化政府資料開放相關之任務。其他有關維基媒體相關的資訊可以在其使用者頁面查詢。
- Semi-automatic Tagging of Images on Wikimedia Commons | 維基共享資源上的半自動圖像標記
- Are you modeling my gender? Results from the Wikidata Gender Diversity project

Cheng-Jen works for the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. He leads the technical development of the depositar. His recent research interests are data exchange standards, deployment automation and long-term maintenance of information systems. Utilizing the above technologies, he aims to achieve the sustainability of the depositar. He is also a senior Python language user.
李承錱任職於臺灣中央研究院的資訊科學研究所,同時也是研究資料寄存所專案的首席技術開發員。他最近研究重心偏重於資料流通標準、資訊系統自動化部屬與長期維運,期許透過導入相關技術,以因應研究資料寄存所的持續發展需求。同時他也是一名資深的 Python 語言愛用者。
- Research Data Repositories and Wikidata | 維基數據與研究資料儲存庫

- Are you modeling my gender? Results from the Wikidata Gender Diversity project

Daniele Metilli (they/them) is a research fellow in advanced architectures for Digital Humanities at University College London. Daniele is a former Wikipedia and Wikidata administrator, now focusing on doing research on Wikidata. Their research interests lie at the intersections between Digital Humanities, critical data studies, digital heritage, and gender.
Daniele (他) 事隸屬於倫敦大學學院數位人文中心的研究員。Daniele 曾任維基百科和維基數據的管理員,不過現在他全心投入維基數據相關的研究。其主要的研究方向坐落於數位人文、批判數據研究、數位遺產、和性別議題之中。
- Are you modeling my gender? Results from the Wikidata Gender Diversity project

A biophysicist interested in integrating Wikidata with research and education workflows.
- Structured data and collaborative curation: WikiProjects and Wikidata | 結構化資料與共同策畫:維基專題與維基數據

Wikidata Contributors, focus on linking Wikidata to project like OpenStreetMap
維基數據志願者,致力於將維基數據與其他開源專案如 OpenStreetMap 進行整合。
- How can Wikidata help non-Mandarin Sinitic Languages on Wikimedia (digitial) development | Wikidata 會當按怎幫贊漢語非官話 ê 維基媒體 ê (數位) 發展

- Wikifunctions: Fulfilling One of Wikidata's Missing Promises? | 維基函數:實現維基數據失落願景的下一步

I started to edit Wikidata in 2012, and currently I have almost 40,000 edits in the project and more than 1,500 pages created. I presented a session during Wikimania 2023 about Wikidata in cosplay and animation, cosplay and games (ACG) world.
I founded the Wikimedia Community User Group Malaysia in 2017 and has been the president since then. In 2023, I was appointed as the ESEAP Hub Interim Committee member.
我於 2012 年開始參與維基數據的編輯,至今我已經有超過四萬筆編輯紀錄並建立了超過一千五百個頁面。我在 Wikimania 2023 中主持了一場有關角色扮演與動畫、角色扮演與遊戲的會議。
我於 2017 年協助成立了維基媒體馬來西亞用戶組並且擔任其會長至今。在今年 (2023) 我被指派成為 ESEAP 的臨時委員。
- Wikidata ESEAP Forum | ESEAP 維基數據交流論壇

I am currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Science, which is strongly focused on knowledge graphs, their creation, curation, and deployment within the free knowledge ecosystem. I have work experience in project management, research, teaching, and writing and monitoring funding proposals. In addition, I have published
several articles and co-authored a book entitled Knowledge Graphs: Methodology, Tools and Selected Use Cases.
Also, I have participated in and won awards at a conference, hackathons, and datathons. Last but not least, I lead and monitor projects, programs, workshops, presentations, and talks related to knowledge management, minority communities, under-resourced and endangered languages, and media and information literacy.
我目前正在研讀計算機科學的博士學位,專注於在自由知識的生態系中建立、策畫、和設立知識圖譜。我曾擔任專案管理員、研究員、教師、以及資助專案的撰寫和監督。除此之外,我也發表了數篇文章,並共筆了《Knowledge Graphs: Methodology, Tools amd Selected Use Cases》一書。此外,我也曾在駭客松、數據松等活動中獲得獎項。最後,我也曾領銜數個有關知識管理、少數族群、缺乏資源和瀕危語言、以及媒體和資訊識讀的專案、工作坊、發表、和演說。
- Building Knowledge Graphs for Underrepresented Communities | 小眾社群的知識圖譜建立計畫
- Tying Wikidata to English Wikipedia – experiences and proposals | 維基數據與維基百科的整合 - 經驗與建議分享
- Wikidata for African Librarians - the journey so far | 非洲圖書館員的維基數據之旅

- Wikidata for Education | 維基數據教育專案

Community Engagement Coordinator & Coordinator of WikidataCon for Wikimedia Deutschland.
社群經營策劃人,以及代表德國維基媒體協會的 Wikidatacon 策劃人。
- Closing session | 閉幕式

Lydia Pintscher is a life-long free software and open culture enthusiast. She studied computer science at the University of Karlsruhe. She works for Wikimedia Deutschland as the Portfolio Lead for Wikidata and dedicate a lot of my free time to KDE as the Vice-President of KDE e.V.
Lydia Pintscher 擁有卡爾斯魯爾理工學院電腦科學學位,並在自由軟體以及開放社群領域耕耘多年。同時 Lydia Pintscher 也是德國維基媒體協會的產品經理,閒暇之餘 Lydia Pintscher 也是 KDE 社群的活躍成員並身兼 KDE e.v. 副會長之職。
- Wikidata birthday presents lightning talks
- Spreading our data further with the Wikibase REST API | 資料的流通與應用 - Wikibase REST API 簡介
- Wikidata: What happened over the past year? What's next? | 維基數據的過往與未來
- Ontology issues in Wikidata - Everything in neat and tidy boxes? Not quite! | 維基數據的本體論議題 - 資料蒐錄的複雜與困難

Admin Wiktionarist, and wikimedian on lots of wiki-projects. Co-founder of Lingua Libre.
Lingual Libre 的共同創始人,同時也是維基辭典管理員並廣泛參與許多的維基媒體專案。
- Dicothèque: explore and compare dictionaries on the French Wikisource | Dicothèque:法文維基文庫上的字典搜尋和比較
- Building Abstract Wikipedia Using Wikidata Lexemes | 使用維基數據詞位功能來建立"抽象維基百科"
- Making Wikidata Smaller Without Reducing Information | 維基數據簡而不減

Creative Technologist at oio.studio
- Are you modeling my gender? Results from the Wikidata Gender Diversity project

Project-lead of the Wikimedia Indonesia’s museum project.
- Wikidata ESEAP Forum | ESEAP 維基數據交流論壇

I am a Wikimedian in Residence and trainer who is passionate about using technology to promote education and cultural heritage. I am also a co-lead of the Gurene Wikimedia Community and a member of the Cyber Security Professional Association in Ghana. I contribute to Wikimedia projects under the username User:Dnshitobu and a co-facilitator in Dagbani Wikipedia Saha tele-education program on TV. I am a professional teacher with a background in Information technology and a volunteer for many other community organizations. I have also been a regular radio and television panelist since 2015 and have made submissions/presentations at different conferences and meetups, with the most recent ones being my presentation at the TDGG 2022, Wiki Indaba 2022, and Open Data Conference 2023
我是一名進駐的維基人同時也是一名熱中於使用科技來推廣教育和文化遺產的訓練員。我同時也是弗拉弗拉維基媒體社群的共同領導人,同時也是迦納網路安全從業協會的成員。我在維基媒體平台上使用 User:Dnshitobu 來進行活動,同時也是達巴尼語維基百科 Saha tele-education program on TV 專案的共同執行人。我是一名具有資訊科技背景的職業教師,同時我也積極參與許多期阿社群組織的志願者活動。我也曾是電台含電視節目的常任嘉賓,並且我也投稿並在許多會議和活動上進行發表;其中最近的幾場有 TDGG 2022、Wiki Indaba 2022、以及開放資料年會 2023。
- Biodiversity in underrepresented languages using crowdsourcing | 小眾語言中的生物多樣性 - 群眾工作模式的探索
- Wikidata for Education | 維基數據教育專案
French contributor to the French Wikipedia, Wiktionary and Wikisource; and to Wikidata.
Lead Voluntary Developer of Lingua Libre, Wikimedia France's free/libre word pronunciations recording tool.
來自法國的資深貢獻者,其貢獻範圍橫跨法語維基百科、維基辭典、維基文庫,以及維基數據,同時 Poslovitch 也是 Lingua Libre 工具的領銜開發志願者。這是所屬於維基媒體法國的開放字詞發音錄製工具。
- Dicothèque: explore and compare dictionaries on the French Wikisource | Dicothèque:法文維基文庫上的字典搜尋和比較
My name is Sadik from Ghana. I am a certified Wikipedia trainer, researcher and Brand Ambassador for the MHz Foundation and Curationist.org. I am also the executive director and co-founder of the Dagbani Wikimedians User Group, a young not-for-profit organization based in Ghana and working to support the 16 Mole-Dagbani languages on Wikipedia and its sister projects.
I am currently serving as the West African Indigenous Language Coordinator at Art+Feminism and a steering committee member of the Wikimedia Language Diversity Hub. Outside Wikimedia, I serve on the advisory of the UNESCO 'Open Education for a Better World' program, a Mozilla Open Leader X fellow, MozFest wrangler mentor and ambassador for the Mozilla festival.
I am passionate about open-source technology, open data and the use of open education resources (OER).
As a researcher and digital language activist, I work with individuals and organizations interested in digitizing indigenous languages and cultures on the internet.
我是一名合格的維基百科訓練員、研究者、以及 MHz Foundation 和 Curationist.org 的品牌大使。我也是達巴尼維基媒體用戶組的共同創立人以及執行長;我們是位於迦納的一個非常年輕的非營利組織,旨在協助 16 個 Mole-Dagbani 語系的維基百科,以及其姊妹專案的活動。
我目前是藝術 + 女權主義運動於西非洲原住民語言的執行人,同時也是維基媒體語言多元平台的委員成員。除此了投身於維基媒體運動之外,我也是聯合國教科文組織 “為了美好未來開放教育” 專案的顧問、Mozilla Open Leader X 的成員、MozFest 的專員導師以及 Mozilla Festival 的活動大使。
- The Impact of Wikidata-powered Infoboxes on Minority and Low-resourced Language Wikipedias in Africa | 維基數據資料欄對非洲少數語言維基百科版本的助益

Soukaina Abelhad is an accomplished data scientist and tech lead with a strong record of contributions in the field,
including the development of ML systems and pioneering the data architecture for the Wikidata for Education initiative.
She has also made significant strides in promoting STEM by being recognized as a top-tier mentor in the WomenTech Global Awards.
Her dedication and leadership make her a valuable asset to this project.
Soukaina Abelhad 是一名極具成就的資料科學家同時也是其領域中的領銜成員,其眾多的貢獻有如:開發 ML 系統以及率先投入教育用維基數據的資料結構搭建。她也為推廣 STEM 做出許多貢獻,更榮獲全球科技界女性獎的認可為頂尖教師。她的領導和熱誠使其成為該專案最重要的資產之一。
- Wikidata for Education | 維基數據教育專案

- Bring your heritage to Wiki Loves Living Heritage! | 帶著家鄉的文化一起加入 Wiki Loves Living Heritage!

A designer that hopes accessible data would be a tool to improve design-thinking process and make everything better.
- Obstacles from data users: how can we understand the data? | 使用者困境:數據到底在講什麼?

PhD candidate in the University of São Paulo studying the modeling of biomedical concepts on Wikidata with a focus on the Human Cell Atlas.
- Wikidata and OBO Foundry ontologies - What is the current state of integration? | 維基數據和 OBO Foundry - 整合現狀

Tyng-Ruey Chuang is an Associate Research Fellow at the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, with joint appointments at both the Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences (Center for GIS) and the Research Center for Information Technology Innovation.
He leads the depositar lab.
莊庭瑞是臺灣中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心以及資訊科技創新研究中心的副研究員。同時他也是 depositar lab 的負責人。
- Research Data Repositories and Wikidata | 維基數據與研究資料儲存庫
- Supercharging Wikidata with External Aliases and New Entity Types | 透過外部資料庫的別名和新實體類型來強化維基數據
- Supercharging Wikidata with External Aliases and New Entity Types | 透過外部資料庫的別名和新實體類型來強化維基數據
Lmu History Student
LMU 歷史學生
- Investigating Taiwan's native languages | 臺灣原住民語的探尋之旅

A junior in the History Department, at National Cheng Kung University, the leader of the open knowledge club. Promoting Wikimedia movement at Cheng Kung University for over a year, currently researching how to create better and easier understand tutorials for students.
- Wikidata and the College Life | Wikidata如何影響我們的大學生活?
- Wikidata × Department of History National Cheng Kung University | 成功大學歷史系教學與 Wikidata
A master student at National Cheng Kung University focusing on the law and society of Taiwan under the Japanese occupation period. Started participating Wikimedia movement in September 2021 in the project “Wikimedia in the classroom of history education”, they have an interest in article translation but is still learning all the nitty gritty of this subject.
- Wikidata × Department of History National Cheng Kung University | 成功大學歷史系教學與 Wikidata
- Project associate researcher at reduceing disaster monitor work group, Agency of Rural Development and Sil and Water Conservation, MOA
- 台灣維基媒體協會理事
- 農業部農村發展及水土保持署減災監測組計畫助理研究員
- Wikidata ESEAP Forum | ESEAP 維基數據交流論壇

Co-founder of the Wikidata Taiwan community. Allen Wang also participated in the 1st Open Parliament Multistakeholder Forum as a civil society member, National Museum of Taiwan History “Taiwan Culture Memory Bank 110-111 community curation and operation model building project” as an information technology assistant, and was the secretary of Wikimedia Taiwan; Co-organizer of Hakka@Wiki data application project; Coordinate open-data projects such as: “The Last Journey of an Art Maestro: The Digitalization of Li Mei-Shu’s Funeral Related Artifacts” held by Li Mei-Shu Memorial Gallary and Taiwan Culture Memory Bank.
Dedicate to the linked opendata and local culture. “What I did isn’t hard, I just want to share the data with everyone.”
Wikidata Taiwan 臺灣維基數據社群共同發起人
過去曾任第一屆第一期立法院開放國會委員會民間委員、國家文化記憶庫:110-111年社群經營與運作模式建置計畫資訊技術協力、社團法人台灣維基媒體協會秘書長,曾共同主持有「客家@維基」資料多元應用專案以及執行李梅樹紀念館國家文化記憶庫專案「臺灣美術巨擘的最後一程. 李梅樹告別式相關文物掃描」等資料開放專案。
致力於連結開放知識與地方人文。 「我做的事情不難,只是希望能夠讓每一筆資料都能夠被看見」
- Wikidata × Department of History National Cheng Kung University | 成功大學歷史系教學與 Wikidata
Associate Professor at National Cheng Kung University who focusing on Taiwan medicine history, and science and technology studies. Recently also include issues like open knowledge, local community, and aging society as his reserch interest.
- Wikidata × Department of History National Cheng Kung University | 成功大學歷史系教學與 Wikidata