WikidataCon 2023

WikidataCon 2023

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Wikidata and the College Life | Wikidata如何影響我們的大學生活?
2023-10-29 , Main program


This session will be in two part:

  1. As an humanities student, the journey of how wikidata enter our life.
  2. The challenges and opportunities while promoting wikidata in university.
  3. After establishing the club, growing from a receiver to a giver, we have found out that it is difficult to cultivate long term contributor. To improve this, we expect to hold more small scale gathering to strenghten the participation motivation. We hope to hear from your experience as well, what can be done to further grow our community.

1. 作為一個人文科系的學生,在大學課程中接觸wikidata的歷程
2. 大學社團推廣wikidata遇到的難題與因應之道

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A junior in the History Department, at National Cheng Kung University, the leader of the open knowledge club. Promoting Wikimedia movement at Cheng Kung University for over a year, currently researching how to create better and easier understand tutorials for students.


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