WikidataCon 2023

WikidataCon 2023

Amanda Figueroa

Amanda Figueroa is the Curationist Platform Director, where she uses her experience in web development and art history to increase online and free access to global cultural heritage.

Amanda Figueroa 是策展人平台的主任。透過在網頁開發和藝術史領域的專長,她旨在促進全球文化遺產社群的數位開放化。


40 分鐘
Workshopping Metadata Interoperability for Small Museums | 小型博物館可相互操作的後設資料工作坊
Amanda Figueroa

In this session, Curationist will present an early-stage idea for a Wikidata-compatible by design metadata schema, conceived as a low impact out-of-the-box solution for small museums seeking to digitize their collections under open access licenses.

Curationist’s mission is to bring together arts and culture communities to find, share, and work together to reimagine cultural narratives, and we believe that an important component of this work involves helping small, often underserved, museums and archives achieve parity with major cultural heritage institutions. As a result, our focus in 2024 will be on designing methods and tools that attempt to help these small organizations to be equally present in online open access spaces like WikiCommons and the Curationist platform.

We present this project to the Wikidata community in order to identify potential challenges to interoperability based on previous work in this area, as well as to surface potential collaborators interested in participating in this initiative with us. This project builds upon work begun on the Curationist technical platform as well as at the Metadata Learning and Unlearning Summit held in June 2023.


"策展人"的任務是將藝術和文化社群凝聚起來一同探尋、分享、並合作重新定義文化敘事。我們相信其中重要的元素之一便是協助小型,缺乏關注的博物館和檔案庫站上與其他大型文化遺產機構同樣的一個舞台。基於此目標,我們 2024 將會專注於設計一套方案和配套的工具來協助這些小型機構來在開放的網路空間如維基媒體共享資源或是策展人平台上獲得平等與眾人分享的機會。

我們向維基數據社群介紹該專案的目的在於,透過以往在該領域的工作經驗,探索並發現這項專案所可能遭遇的挑戰,同時吸引願意為了這一目標與我們共同參與這項專案的潛在合作者。該專案是建立於"策展人"技術平台以及 2023 六月的後設資料學習和反學習峰會的經驗之上。

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