WikidataCon 2023

WikidataCon 2023

Wikidata for Education | 維基數據教育專案
2023-10-29 , Main program

Wikidata for Education is an initiative that aims to ensure that the "sum of all knowledge" can be aligned with school curricula and easily accessible by teachers and students to achieve their learning objectives. At present, aligning open educational resources with local, national, and international curriculum frameworks is difficult, because standards, competencies, and other elements of curricula are not machine-readable. Wikidata for Education has started as a pilot project in Ghana to structure curriculum data, add it to Wikidata, create more curriculum-aligned content, and develop platforms that help curate it. Below are examples of how this initiative will impact global education.

教育用維基數據是一個旨在確保 “知識的總體” 跟學校的課綱能輕易整合並能簡易的被教師和學生使用以協助其學術成就。就目前而言,要將地區、國家、以及國際課程的綱領與開放教育資源做整合仍有許多困難;主因於其課綱內容有許多元素無法輕易的被機器所識讀。教育用維基數據是一由迦納共和國所發起的先頭專案旨在將課綱內容結構化並上傳至維基數據,並在此之上建立更多與課綱相關連之內容同時開發了一個平台來對其進行規劃。以下是這個專案所能為全球教育體系所帶來的影響。

Wikidata for Education is an initiative that aims to align the "sum of all knowledge" with school curricula and make it easily accessible by teachers and students. In many countries, aligning open educational resources with local, national, and international curriculum frameworks is challenging because curriculum elements such as standards and competencies are not machine-readable. This session will explore how Wikidata for Education can help address this issue.

The primary objective of this session is to introduce Wikidata for Education and its pilot project in Ghana, which focuses on structuring curriculum data, adding it to Wikidata, creating more curriculum-aligned content, and developing platforms that help curate it. The session will provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of the project, including its successes, challenges, and future plans.

The session will also provide examples of how this initiative can impact global education. For instance, Wikidata for Education can enhance the accessibility of educational resources to students and teachers worldwide, regardless of their location or financial resources. It can also provide educators with better tools to track their students' progress and ensure that they are meeting educational standards.

The session will be interactive and engaging, allowing attendees to participate in the discussion and ask questions. Attendees will gain a better understanding of how Wikidata for Education can contribute to the improvement of global education, and they will learn about the challenges and opportunities involved in the implementation of the initiative.

The session's target audience is educators, curriculum developers, educational policymakers, and anyone interested in the intersection between technology and education. Attendees will leave with a greater understanding of the potential of Wikidata for Education to enhance global education and the steps they can take to participate in the initiative.

教育用維基數據是一個旨在確保 “知識的總體” 跟學校的課綱能輕易整合並能簡易的被教師和學生使用。對許多國家而言,要將開放教育資源與地區、國家、以及國際課程的更領做整合時,因其課綱的許多元素無法輕易的被機器所識讀所以遭遇許多的挑戰。在接下來的時間中,我們將會介紹教育用維基數據可以如何協助處理這一問題。





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This program is for everyone. We would specially invite education enthusiasts, Wikidata contributors and Wikipedians

I am a Wikimedian in Residence and trainer who is passionate about using technology to promote education and cultural heritage. I am also a co-lead of the Gurene Wikimedia Community and a member of the Cyber Security Professional Association in Ghana. I contribute to Wikimedia projects under the username User:Dnshitobu and a co-facilitator in Dagbani Wikipedia Saha tele-education program on TV. I am a professional teacher with a background in Information technology and a volunteer for many other community organizations. I have also been a regular radio and television panelist since 2015 and have made submissions/presentations at different conferences and meetups, with the most recent ones being my presentation at the TDGG 2022, Wiki Indaba 2022, and Open Data Conference 2023

我是一名進駐的維基人同時也是一名熱中於使用科技來推廣教育和文化遺產的訓練員。我同時也是弗拉弗拉維基媒體社群的共同領導人,同時也是迦納網路安全從業協會的成員。我在維基媒體平台上使用 User:Dnshitobu 來進行活動,同時也是達巴尼語維基百科 Saha tele-education program on TV 專案的共同執行人。我是一名具有資訊科技背景的職業教師,同時我也積極參與許多期阿社群組織的志願者活動。我也曾是電台含電視節目的常任嘉賓,並且我也投稿並在許多會議和活動上進行發表;其中最近的幾場有 TDGG 2022、Wiki Indaba 2022、以及開放資料年會 2023。

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Soukaina Abelhad is an accomplished data scientist and tech lead with a strong record of contributions in the field,
including the development of ML systems and pioneering the data architecture for the Wikidata for Education initiative.
She has also made significant strides in promoting STEM by being recognized as a top-tier mentor in the WomenTech Global Awards.
Her dedication and leadership make her a valuable asset to this project.

Soukaina Abelhad 是一名極具成就的資料科學家同時也是其領域中的領銜成員,其眾多的貢獻有如:開發 ML 系統以及率先投入教育用維基數據的資料結構搭建。她也為推廣 STEM 做出許多貢獻,更榮獲全球科技界女性獎的認可為頂尖教師。她的領導和熱誠使其成為該專案最重要的資產之一。