2023-10-30 –, Main program
In this academic session, we will explore the interplay of Wikidata and the OBO Foundry, how Wikidata is connected with the biomedical ontologies in this community, and how they can mutually benefit in the future. We will talk about licensing and technical challenges to synchronize the resources and discuss paths forward. The integration of Cell Ontology to Wikidata will be presented as a sample case, but other ontologies will be considered when viewing the panorama.
在本場次中,我們將會探索維基數據和 OBO Foundry 之間的互動關係;兩者之間如何連接,以及兩者在未來可以如何攜手共同發展。我們將會討論共享資源所將遭遇的授權問題和技術挑戰,並探討前進的道路。我們將以細胞資料的整合案例作為範本進行討論,其他的資料也將在後續更廣泛的討論時進行。
Session Form:線上預錄
Publication Language:英文(en)
Level of Difficulty:中階
Target Audience:Wikidatians interested in the modelling of biomedical concepts and integration with ontologies.
PhD candidate in the University of São Paulo studying the modeling of biomedical concepts on Wikidata with a focus on the Human Cell Atlas.