2023-10-30 –, Main program
Wikidata describes so many different things in its more than 100 Million Items and how they relate to each other. That is a complex task and at times pretty messy. In this session we will look at some of the different types of issues you'll find in Wikidata's ontology, why they are problematic and what we can do about them together.
維基數據擁有超過 1 億個項目,之中所描述的關係與資料種類更是多樣。這是一個非常複雜的系統,而且在某些狀況下,非常的混亂。在本場次的時間中,我們將會簡單介紹幾個扎根於維基數據中的本體論議題,說明為甚麼他們會造成工作上的困難,以及可能的解決辦法。
Level of Difficulty:進階
Target Audience:Wikidata editors and reusers
Choose Venue for Publication:國際純線上(歐美時區友善)
Session Form:線上預錄
Lydia Pintscher is a life-long free software and open culture enthusiast. She studied computer science at the University of Karlsruhe. She works for Wikimedia Deutschland as the Portfolio Lead for Wikidata and dedicate a lot of my free time to KDE as the Vice-President of KDE e.V.
Lydia Pintscher 擁有卡爾斯魯爾理工學院電腦科學學位,並在自由軟體以及開放社群領域耕耘多年。同時 Lydia Pintscher 也是德國維基媒體協會的產品經理,閒暇之餘 Lydia Pintscher 也是 KDE 社群的活躍成員並身兼 KDE e.v. 副會長之職。