WikidataCon 2023

WikidataCon 2023

Wikidata × Department of History National Cheng Kung University | 成功大學歷史系教學與 Wikidata
2023-10-29 , Main program

In this session we will share our experience with National Cheng Kong University in “Wikimedia in the classroom of history education”(Starting from 2020 to date); Three major result are:

  1. Intergration: Introduce wikidata related courses into the curriculum of history education
  2. Student Community: Establish the Open Knowledge Clube as the cradel for future development
  3. Local Participation: Take part in local communicty’s activity and cooperate to held workshops.

Materials used: Taiwan post-war medical history documentation, academic journals, and local lore.




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對於 Wikidata 如何應用在教育有興趣的參加者

Co-founder of the Wikidata Taiwan community. Allen Wang also participated in the 1st Open Parliament Multistakeholder Forum as a civil society member, National Museum of Taiwan History “Taiwan Culture Memory Bank 110-111 community curation and operation model building project” as an information technology assistant, and was the secretary of Wikimedia Taiwan; Co-organizer of Hakka@Wiki data application project; Coordinate open-data projects such as: “The Last Journey of an Art Maestro: The Digitalization of Li Mei-Shu’s Funeral Related Artifacts” held by Li Mei-Shu Memorial Gallary and Taiwan Culture Memory Bank.

Dedicate to the linked opendata and local culture. “What I did isn’t hard, I just want to share the data with everyone.”

Wikidata Taiwan 臺灣維基數據社群共同發起人

過去曾任第一屆第一期立法院開放國會委員會民間委員、國家文化記憶庫:110-111年社群經營與運作模式建置計畫資訊技術協力、社團法人台灣維基媒體協會秘書長,曾共同主持有「客家@維基」資料多元應用專案以及執行李梅樹紀念館國家文化記憶庫專案「臺灣美術巨擘的最後一程. 李梅樹告別式相關文物掃描」等資料開放專案。

致力於連結開放知識與地方人文。 「我做的事情不難,只是希望能夠讓每一筆資料都能夠被看見」

A junior in the History Department, at National Cheng Kung University, the leader of the open knowledge club. Promoting Wikimedia movement at Cheng Kung University for over a year, currently researching how to create better and easier understand tutorials for students.


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Associate Professor at National Cheng Kung University who focusing on Taiwan medicine history, and science and technology studies. Recently also include issues like open knowledge, local community, and aging society as his reserch interest.


A master student at National Cheng Kung University focusing on the law and society of Taiwan under the Japanese occupation period. Started participating Wikimedia movement in September 2021 in the project “Wikimedia in the classroom of history education”, they have an interest in article translation but is still learning all the nitty gritty of this subject.
