WikidataCon 2023

WikidataCon 2023

Wikidata for African Librarians - the journey so far | 非洲圖書館員的維基數據之旅
, Main program

Making library collections in Africa more visible, open and connected is a major objective of the “Promoting Open Knowledge practices in African Libraries through WikiData” project by AfLIA. The project which is funded by Wikimedia Foundation also aims to drive better understanding of open knowledge and linked data in the African Library sector. This is critical as the organization believes that access to knowledge is crucial for sustainable development and for creating more knowledge.

AfLIA “透過維基數據在非洲圖書館中提倡開放知識” 計畫最主要的目標之一便是使非洲圖書館的館藏更加能見、開放、並且與更多的資料庫連接。這項由維基媒體基金會資助的計畫同時也將提升非洲圖書館領域對開放知識和鏈結資料的認知。這一點至關重要,因為該我們相信獲取知識對於永續發展和創造更多知識極為重要。

Innovations are more prone to happen when there is access to knowledge that can be built on to create more knowledge and value without restrictions. Sharing and linking of knowledge is critical for development. A principal reason why Africa is yet to have robust innovative ecosystems could be rightly attributed to lack of collaborative information sharing practices by researchers and the academia of what they are working on or what they have previously worked on and successes/failures encountered. One of the enduring lessons of the COVID-19 crisis is that the entire world is interconnected as what happens in a region or continent may most likely affect other parts of the world. This brings to the fore the need to open up knowledge to tackle common challenges so that no one is left behind.

However, from cursory observations, opening up knowledge for the common good is yet to take root deeply among the academia and researchers in Africa. This could be attributed to a lack of knowledge about digital platforms that promote and drive open practices, understanding about the advantages as well as lack of knowledge and skills on how to successfully share what they know for the benefit of others on such platforms. With a focus on Librarians and other information practitioners within the Africa library sector working in different Library types - public, school, national, academic, research, special, parliamentary libraries etc., at least 200 librarians from at least 20 African countries have been admitted as participants in this course.

The objectives include :
Share with the audience our unique motivation for engaging with Wikidata ;
Share with the audience what our challenges, successes and learning points are so far
Prompt a conversation on ways AfLIA can make an impact on the African library sector and the larger Wikimedia Community with this project especially in the area of driving Openness through linked data and access to knowledge in the continent ;

如果人們可以自由的獲得創造知識所需要的知識,創新將是必然的結果。知識的分享和鏈結對於發展來說至關重要。非洲為何尚未有一個強健的創新生態系,其主因之一便是研究者或是說整個學術界,尚未有一套可以與他人分享其當前工作,以及過往成果資訊的工作系統。在 COVID-19 危機中我們所學到最重要的經驗便是,全球社群是一個相當緊密連接的共同體,某地所發生的事情,其餘波極有可能往外擴散至其他地區。這正是為甚麼我們需要開放知識的獲取,這樣我們才能一起同舟共濟面對挑戰。

然而,從粗略地觀察中我們可以發現,將知識與大眾分享的思維尚未在非洲的學術界中生根。這來自許多原因,可能是因為缺乏對這類提倡開放運動的數位平台的知識,或是並不理解這類運動和平台所能提供的優勢,又或是缺少關鍵知識或技能來有效利用這類平台來與大眾分享其成果。聚焦於圖書館員和其他於圖書館領域的資訊工作者,該計畫吸引了超過 200 名來自超過 20 個非洲國家的公共圖書館、學校圖書館、國家圖書館、學術圖書館、研究圖書館、特殊圖書館、國會圖書館等圖書員一同加入。


  • 與大眾分享我們獨特的動機。
  • 與大眾分享我們所遭遇的挑戰、成就、以及我們所學到的經驗。
  • 促進 AfLIA 透過該計畫,可以如何影響非洲圖書館領域以及更加廣泛的維基媒體社群的討論,尤其是如何促進非洲地區鏈結數據和開放知識方面的討論。

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General Wikimedia community, information professionals, researchers

She is a librarian and Wikimedian...
