2023-10-28 –, Main program
Wikidata has always been tied to many other Wikimedia projects. Currently, the most important of its ties are probably with Wikimedia Commons, which hosts more than 95 million free access images, and English Wikipedia. With nearly 6.7 million articles, English Wikipedia is way ahead of almost all the other language Wikipedias in terms of article numbers. But whereas the ties between Wikidata and Commons are now strong, the ones with English Wikipedia are much weaker, and in need of strengthening. The presenter has been an editor of all three projects for many years. In this presentation, he will share some of his experiences in developing and using templates to tie Wikidata with English Wikipedia. Additionally, he will make proposals for expansions of, and improvements to, the ties between the two projects. As he will demonstrate, such modifications would likely also have a substantial flow-on effect on the ties between Wikidata and other language Wikipedias.
The presentation could be given either as a General Session (40 minutes) or a Sharing Session (20 minutes), depending upon the time available.
The presenter, Jeremy Ludlow (User:Bahnfrend), resides in Perth, Western Australia. He has been an editor of English Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons since November 2009, and of Wikidata since February 2013.
Since becoming a Wikimedian, the presenter has always been involved in tying Wikimedia projects to each other. His first contribution to English Wikipedia was a translation of an article from German Wikipedia; his first contribution to Commons was a transfer of an image from German Wikipedia, so that it could be transcluded from Commons to both English and German Wikipedias (and also other Wikimedia projects).
As an editor of both Wikidata and English Wikipedia, the presenter has set up and/or used a variety of templates for transcluding data from Wikidata directly to English Wikipedia articles, to some extent in collaboration with Butch Bustria, a well known Wikimedian from the Philippines. In particular, Butch has helped the presenter to adapt for use with East Timorese topics a template he created for Filipino topics; that template has also been translated by other Wikimedians into other languages for use on other language Wikipedias.
As an editor of Wikimedia Commons, the presenter also has experience in using the well-known {{Wikidata Infobox}} on that project.
The presentation reports on the presenter's experiences with these activities, and makes suggestions as to further work that could and should be done to increase and improve the existing ties between Wikidata and English Wikipedia.
該場次根據時間的限制可以是一般場 (時長 40 分鐘) 或是經驗分享 (時長 20 分鐘)。
該場次的講者 Jeremy Ludlow (USer: Bahnfrend) 定居於澳洲西部的伯斯。他自 2009 年起便開始其英文維基百科以及維基共享資源的編輯之路;並在 2013 年加入維基數據的編輯。
自從加入維基媒體運動, Jeremy Ludlow 便一直持續的致力於將各個維基媒體專案相互連結。他在英文維基百科的第一個貢獻便是將一個條目從德文維基百科翻譯成為英文版本;他在維基共享資源上的第一個貢獻便是從德文維基百科中提取出一個圖片,使其能夠被其他語言的維基百科和其他維基媒體專案所使用。
身為維基數據和英文維基百科的編輯者, Jeremy Ludlow 在與 Butch Bustria 一位十分有名的菲律賓維基人的共同合作中建立或使用了許多樣板來從維基數據中提取資料直接進入英文維基百科之中。舉例而言,Butch 協助 Jeremy Ludlow 將 East Timorese 轉換使用;East Timorese 也在後續被其他維基人翻譯作其他語言來在其他語言版本的維基百科上做使用。
身為一名維基媒體共享資源的編輯者,Jeremy Ludlow 也十分熟悉 {{Wikidata Infobox}} 的應用。
該場會議著重於 Jeremy Ludlow 在這三個平台上的活動經驗,並將會對未來工作以及對維基數據和英文維基百科整合強化做出可能的建議。
Level of Difficulty:中階
Target Audience:Editors of Wikidata and English Wikipedia, and Wikimedia Foundation staff. The presentation will likely also be of interest to editors of other language Wikipedias who could translate English Wikipedia templates.
Choose Venue for Publication:臺灣實體活動(亞洲時區友善)
Session Form:實體發表