2023-10-30 –, Main program
The Wikidata Gender Diversity (WiGeDi) project aims to study how gender is represented in Wikidata, focusing on marginalized gender identities and adopting a queer and intersectional feminist perspective. This presentation will showcase results from the three strands of the project — model, data, and community. The model strand looks at how gender is represented in the Wikidata ontology, and how this representation has evolved over time. The data strand looks at the actual people who are described in Wikidata and at their gender identities. The community strand looks at how gender has been discussed by Wikidata users. The three main outcomes of the project, roughly corresponding to the three strands, will be the Wikidata Gender Timeline, a full timeline of gender modeling in Wikidata, the Wikidata Gender Dashboard, showcasing up-to-date statistics about gender identities of people who are described in the knowledge base, and the Wikidata Gender Talk corpus of user discussions. The project has been funded through the Wikimedia Research Fund.
維基數據多元性別專案 (WiGeDi) 旨在研究維基數據如何呈現性別資料,重點關注邊緣化的性別認同資料,並採用酷兒和交叉女性主義的視角。這場演講中我們將會介紹該專案在三個面向上的成果:模型、數據、和社群。在模型方面,我們將會檢視性別是如何被記錄於維基數據中,以及這些紀錄如何隨著時間演變;在數據方面,我們將會檢視維基數據如何在實務上記錄一個人的性別資料;在社群方面,我們將會檢視性別這一議題在維基數據社群中是如何被討論的。這三大面向大致上與該專案的三大成果相符合:維基數據性別事紀 - 該事紀紀錄了維基數據性別模型的演變、維基數據性別主控台 - 即時展示維基數據上被蒐錄的性別資料、維基數據性別語料庫 - 蒐錄了維基數據社群有關性別議題的語料庫。該專案由維基媒體研究計畫資助。
Session Form:線上預錄
Publication Language:英文(en)
Level of Difficulty:中階
Target Audience:Wikidata users, researchers, and anyone who is interested in gender in Wikidata
Daniele Metilli (they/them) is a research fellow in advanced architectures for Digital Humanities at University College London. Daniele is a former Wikipedia and Wikidata administrator, now focusing on doing research on Wikidata. Their research interests lie at the intersections between Digital Humanities, critical data studies, digital heritage, and gender.
Daniele (他) 事隸屬於倫敦大學學院數位人文中心的研究員。Daniele 曾任維基百科和維基數據的管理員,不過現在他全心投入維基數據相關的研究。其主要的研究方向坐落於數位人文、批判數據研究、數位遺產、和性別議題之中。
Creative Technologist at oio.studio