2023-10-29 –, Main program
Biodiversity preservation and management is crucial, but many languages, especially those of indigenous communities, are underrepresented in scientific literature, hindering the documentation of local biodiversity. Crowdsourcing offers a solution to this problem, enabling individuals who speak these languages to share their knowledge via user-friendly platforms with features such as audio recording and image uploading.
The presentation will focus on the importance of biodiversity conservation and the role that underrepresented languages can play in this effort. The talk will explore how crowdsourcing can be used to collect and analyze data on biodiversity in regions where these languages are spoken.
The presentation will begin with an overview of the current state of biodiversity loss and the need for action to protect endangered species and ecosystems. It will then move on to discuss the role that underrepresented languages can play in this effort, including the unique insights they can offer into local ecosystems and traditional knowledge about conservation practices.
The talk will then delve into the potential of crowdsourcing to gather data on biodiversity in these regions. It will explore how crowdsourcing can help to overcome language barriers and allow local communities to contribute to the conservation effort. The presentation will also discuss some of the challenges of using crowdsourcing for biodiversity conservation, such as ensuring the quality and accuracy of the data collected.
Finally, the talk will conclude with a discussion of some real-world examples of successful crowdsourcing projects for biodiversity conservation in underrepresented languages. These examples will illustrate the potential of crowdsourcing to help protect biodiversity, while also highlighting the need for continued support and investment in these efforts.
Session Form:實體發表
Publication Language:英文(en)
Level of Difficulty:簡易
Target Audience:This program is for everyone. We would specially invite environmentalist, iNaturalist, flora and fauna enthusiasts, Wikidata contributors and Wikipedians
I am a Wikimedian in Residence and trainer who is passionate about using technology to promote education and cultural heritage. I am also a co-lead of the Gurene Wikimedia Community and a member of the Cyber Security Professional Association in Ghana. I contribute to Wikimedia projects under the username User:Dnshitobu and a co-facilitator in Dagbani Wikipedia Saha tele-education program on TV. I am a professional teacher with a background in Information technology and a volunteer for many other community organizations. I have also been a regular radio and television panelist since 2015 and have made submissions/presentations at different conferences and meetups, with the most recent ones being my presentation at the TDGG 2022, Wiki Indaba 2022, and Open Data Conference 2023
我是一名進駐的維基人同時也是一名熱中於使用科技來推廣教育和文化遺產的訓練員。我同時也是弗拉弗拉維基媒體社群的共同領導人,同時也是迦納網路安全從業協會的成員。我在維基媒體平台上使用 User:Dnshitobu 來進行活動,同時也是達巴尼語維基百科 Saha tele-education program on TV 專案的共同執行人。我是一名具有資訊科技背景的職業教師,同時我也積極參與許多期阿社群組織的志願者活動。我也曾是電台含電視節目的常任嘉賓,並且我也投稿並在許多會議和活動上進行發表;其中最近的幾場有 TDGG 2022、Wiki Indaba 2022、以及開放資料年會 2023。
Agnes Ajuma Abah's journey from co-founding the Igala Wikimedia Community to becoming an iNaturalist observer and space scientist is a testament to her unwavering passion for knowledge, community empowerment, and exploration. Her dedication to preserving cultural heritage, promoting biodiversity, and pushing the boundaries of space science has made her a trailblazer in her fields of expertise. Agnes continues to inspire others to dream big, work hard, and make a lasting impact in the world.
Agnes Ajuma Abah 從英格拉維基媒體社群 (Igala Wikimedia Community) 的共同出資者,到成為一名愛自然的觀察員,再到成為一名太空科學家的旅程,完美展現了其對於知識、社群賦權運動、以及探索未知的堅定熱誠。不論是在保存文化遺產、推廣生物多樣性、又或是挑戰太空科學的極限方面,她的熱誠使其成為了這些領域中的領頭人之一。Agnes 至今仍然是許多人的模範,敦促著眾人,勇敢作夢,努力工作,並在世界上留下屬於自己的成就。