2023年8月16日 –, Room 326
語言: English
The majority of first time editors never return to edit again. Learn how Mentorship can help newcomers on your wiki, then brainstorm further improvements to Mentorship with the WMF Growth team.
A WMF Growth team representative will provide a brief introduction to Mentorship features, to ensure all workshop participants have the same basic understanding.
Workshop attendees will then break into small groups to help brainstorm ideas around some predefined questions about Mentorship. After discussion, each group returns and shares a summary of ideas discussed.
This workshop aims to plan next steps for Mentorship features collaboratively with attendees.
Hybrid, live: Some speakers will be onsite in Singapore and some will dial in
您提交的會議程如何與會議主題相關:「多樣性。 協作。 未來。」?:Diversity: Mentorship, especially the new Positive reinforcement features, are meant to engage new types of editors that might need more extrinsic motivation when initially starting their editing journey.
Collaboration: Mentorship is all about creating a sense of community and collaboration early on for newcomers. Wikipedia seems less daunting and isolating when you are matched with a helpful and welcoming mentor.
Future: Growth team features revolve around the future of the wikis; a sustainable future requires new editors and new voices interested and involved in editing.
您主持的議程所需的參與者經驗水平是多少?:Everyone can participate in this session