Luca Rolshoven
I am a PhD student doing research in NLP. I am working on an interesting Sinergia project that aims to measure the level of sustainability in call for tender documents in the domain of public procurement. Previously I worked as a Senior Machine Learning Engineer at BSI, where I was focusing on the deployment and ethical use of Large Language Models within the BSI Customer Suite. Regarding my studies, I earned my masters's in Computer Science, specializing in Data Science, from the University of Bern. During my master's program, I contributed to the development of DiBB, a Python library aimed at distributed black-box optimization.
Outside of work, I keep a close eye on emerging trends in generative AI and human-centered technology. When I'm not exploring the digital realm, you'll find me delving into psychology, decoding escape rooms, and indulging in bicycle rides.
In diesem Workshop lernen die Teilnehmenden, wie sie mit Hilfe von Open Source LLMs persönliche Assistenten programmieren können, die Zugriff auf verschiedene Tools haben. Dies ermöglicht es dem LLM Aufgaben zu erledigen, die über Text-Generierung hinausgehen. Anhand eines Beispiels entwickeln die Kursteilnehmenden ihren eigenen LLM-Agent, der sie in ihrem Alltag unterstützt.