Cruising Along with Java: Benefiting from the evolution
2024-09-03 โ€“, Room D

Java was once a language that dragged along at snail's pace. Thankfully, that's no longer the case. In the recent years the pace of development has accelerated, both in language features and in the JDK improvements.

Come along to dive into some of the recent changes of Java that are both fun and powerful to use, to learn how you can benefit from these, and we'll also discuss where the language is heading in the near future.

Target audience:

Programmers familiar with Java in general and eager to learn about the new developments

Aim of the workshop:

Participants are familiar with the new possibilities offered by the latest versions of the JDK and know how they can make everyday work easier and Java more fun again.


Very familiar with programming and reasonable familiarity with OOP in Java


Your favorite IDE (IntelliJ IDEA Community edition recommended)
Java 22 or as newer as possible
Git Client

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