Explore your business domain with Event Storming, DDD, Clean- and Vertical Slice Architecture
04.09.2024 , Raum E

Explore and model business domains with Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Big Picture and Design-Level EventStorming, and software architecture patterns like Clean and Vertical Slice Architecture.

Domain-Driven Design (DDD) emphasizes collaboration between developers and domain experts to build timely and relevant software that is ready for change.
Through domain modeling, we can explore business domains to establish bounded contexts and ubiquitous languages.
EventStorming has emerged as an effective strategy for to collaboratively explore such business domains.
In this workshop, we will apply Big Picture EventStorming to a fictional company's domain, illustrating how it can help in identifying bounded contexts.
Additionally, we will show how we can apply Design-Level EventStorming to model business processes closer to code, slice stories with it,
and how modern software architecture patterns like Clean Architecture or Vertical Slice Architecture can help in structuring our codebase according to our domain.

Workshop includes the following topics:
* Strategic and Tactical Domain-Driven Design in a Nutshell
* Big Picture EventStorming for domain exploration with domain experts
* Design-Level EventStorming for story slicing and business process modeling
* Advantages, trade-offs, and mutual benefits of both Clean Architecture and Vertical Slice Architecture for effective business domain modeling


By the end of this course, learners will gain a comprehensive understanding of how to explore and model business domains and be capable of building applications using Clean Architecture and Vertical Slice Architecture principles based on the explored domain model.
They will know how to easily and cost effectively react to changes of a running software project.


Software Engineers, Architects, Product Owners, and Domain Experts who want to learn how to explore and model business domains and build applications based on the explored domain model.


Required materials include a projector, a whiteboard or flip chart, and markers.

𝗭𝘂𝗿 𝗔𝗻𝗺𝗲𝗹𝗱𝘂𝗻𝗴: https://eventfrog.ch/de/p/kurse-seminare/computer-edv/explore-your-business-domain-with-event-storming-ddd-7201142820387620019.html


Having worked in software development projects before is an advantage.