meta-codescanner - Static analysis for your project and how it works
2020-10-30 , Intermediate Room

meta-codescanner is a layer that adds the capability to do static analysis on the codebase to a YP/OE-based project. This talk will introduce the functionality and the reports available.

This talk will introduce the static analysis CodeScanner and it's integration through meta-codescanner. CodeScanner uses a recording/replay approach to capture the compilation operations done and replay them with scanning enabled (this requires clang). The layer has redone the integration to be much more bitbake'ish as the integration presented on the original CodeScanner website. It allows for a much more flexible use per-package and also supports to report to the webfrontend available. Q&A and future plans will complete the session.

See also: YPDDV_jsmoeller_meta-codechecker (1.2 MB)

Jan-Simon Möller is the Release Manager for AGL and currently serving as YP and OE board member and is contributor to various opensource projects.