Andrei Gherzan

Andrei has been embracing FOSS for almost 10 years now. During his professional life, the FOSS aspect was either rooted in his day-to-day work or handled as a separate thread, part of personal projects. He has been an OpenEmbedded member since Yocto's inception and played maintainer and contributor roles in various parts of the ecosystem.

When he doesn't type, he hikes, boardgames'es (yes, that is a verb) and tries to be a dad.


Case Study: Yocto / OpenEmbedded in All Scenarios OS
Stefan Schmidt, Andrei Gherzan, Davide Ricci

We are about six months in from kicking off All Scenarios OS (former OpenHarmony), and Yocto/OpenEmbedded was a core building block from the start. We consider today to be an excellent time to sit down and look at what we are currently using and our plans for the future.

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