Harald Achitz

Harald is a long time developer who worked in a wide range of different fields and roles, mostly, but not exclusively, as developer in projects where C++ played an important role.

He works as a freelancer in Stockholm, currently in an assignment at Tobii, the global leader in eye tracking and a pioneer of attention computing.

In his spare time he likes to be with his family, contribute to open source software and manage communities. One of his favorite activities is organizing the Stockholm C++ meetup group, StockholmCpp.


Bitbake 101, running the Yocto Project workflow
Harald Achitz

Recipes and configurations are the building blocks of Yocto distributions and Bitbake is the working machine that takes these blocks and assembles them. Let's explore the role Bitbake has to fulfil to execute the Yocto Project workflow and build your custom Linux distribution.
