Adopting Bitcoin 2024

Adopting Bitcoin 2024

Ian Reis

Founder & CEO of NextBlock, Ian began orange pilling his wife every week in January 2022 when they started their podcast, Flirting With Bitcoin, in their basement in Washington, DC. While creating their podcast, Ian and his wife came up with idea for NextBlock, a social media company with the mission of discovering how much our collective attention is worth through an innovative business model called the Attention Marketplace. This business model is in direct opposition to the Corporations Harvesting Attention On Social Media Cartel ( C.H.A.O.S. Cartel)

With over 20 years of experience in the tech industry, as both a software engineer and entrepreneur, Ian has observed many tech startups with misaligned incentives fail due to the lack of an achievable business model. After discovering Bitcoin and Austrian Economics Ian learned that only a business model with mutually beneficial incentives is truly sustainable. With NextBlock and the attention marketplace, Ian believes that all participants are properly incentivized to be good actors and has given good actors the tools to restrict bad actors access to their attention.


NextBlock: Mine Bitcoin With Your Attention on Social Media
Ian Reis, Mandana Yousefi

NextBlock is a new social media company with the mission to discover the value of attention. Powered by Bitcoin and Nostr, NextBlock enables its citizens to opt into the Attention Marketplace to price and sell 60 seconds of their attention to advertisers.

Mises Stage
Mises Stage