Adopting Bitcoin 2022

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Building a Lightning ⚡ Jukebox
11-15, 16:30–17:15 (America/El_Salvador), Voltage Room
Language: English

A jukebox is a partially automated music-playing device, usually a coin-operated machine, that will play a patron’s selection from self-contained media. The Lightning ⚡️ Jukebox 📻 operates with Bitcoin ₿ Lightning ⚡️ instead of traditional coins 🪙 of fiat money. Have a look at for a working implementation located at the #1 Bitcoin ₿ hotel in Germany.

In this workshop we will show you how to build your own Lightning ⚡️ Jukebox 📻 using a jukebox speaker (or Bluetooth box) and a Raspberry Pi powered by Raspberry Pi OS, Music Player Daemon (MPD), Python-Flask and LNbits. Please bring your own hardware.

We will also encourage you to use different hardware (i. e. ESP32 for a very low cost and low energy version) or to implement a completely offline variant using offline Lightning ⚡️ payments via LNURLPoS.

Mathias is a theoretical physicist, STEM enthusiast and developer.