Adopting Bitcoin 2022

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A serious talk about NFTs
11-16, 13:20–14:00 (America/El_Salvador), Galoy Stage
Language: English


Panel by Lunaticoin hosting Samson Mow (Jan3), Patrick Hiebert (MavenNFT) and Adam Soltys (Coinos)


Bitcoin TV:

Patrick Hiebert is the founder of MavenNFT Marketplace, a hard asset NFT marketplace, and Co-Founder of EcoVillages, a freedom oriented, eco-sensible and sustainability focused community design and development company.

He is also the Founder of Vida Verde Agroforestry, a company focused on the sustainable combining of agriculture with forestry.

Patrick has been designing eco-sensible and sustainable communities for several decades. After founding several high tech software companies and selling them, Patrick and his son Spencer, lived on a boat and sailed the ocean. It was here that they honed their craft of minimalist living, generating and conserving power and fresh water, and focusing on sustainable living. Always breaking new ground in freedom oriented community design, Patrick used his deep understanding of technology to envision using non-fungible tokens (NFTs) for property purchases, sustainable farm production harvest rights, Bitcoin based communities benefitting the locals and much more!

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Adam is a full stack web developer working on coinos wallet and Raretoshi.

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Samson Mow is the CEO of JAN3, a Bitcoin technology company focused on accelerating hyperbitcoinization. Samson is best known for his work with El Salvador’s Bitcoin initiatives, and his efforts in nation-state Bitcoin adoption around the world. As of the top executives in the Bitcoin ecosystem, his expertise spans from running one of the largest exchanges and mining pools when he was the COO of BTCC, to guiding the development and deployment of Bitcoin infrastructure as the CSO of Blockstream. Samson is also the CEO of Pixelmatic, a game development studio working on the Infinite Fleet MMO (massively multiplayer online) game.

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