Adopting Bitcoin 2022

Se han guardado sus preferencias de configuración regional. Nos gusta pensar que tenemos un excelente soporte para el español en Pretalx, pero si encuentra problemas o errores, ¡contáctenos!

Andy Schoonover

Andy is CEO of CrowdHealth, a peer to peer health crowdfunding company that utilizes decentralized BTC holdings in users accounts to offset the communities large healthcare expenses. He was formerly CEO of VRI, a remote patient monitoring company that quadrupled revenue over the 6 year holding period and sold for 10x return on capital. He has a BS in Commerce from the University of Virginia and and MBA from Stanford University.


Andy Schoonover

How can we utilize BTC to fix healthcare. Health insurance companies hold large pools of capital in a centralized account to ensure that bills get paid. Its expensive and inefficient especially in an inflationary environment. CrowdHealth enables its members to hold those "reserves" in BTC in their own accounts. We will be talking about the brokenness of healthcare and the many ways it mirrors the perverse incentives of the monetary system.

Solutions Stage
Solutions Stage