Adopting Bitcoin 2022

Se han guardado sus preferencias de configuración regional. Nos gusta pensar que tenemos un excelente soporte para el español en Pretalx, pero si encuentra problemas o errores, ¡contáctenos!

Alan Jackson

Alan is an international corporate pilot, prolific orange piller and Bitcoin evangelist. Father of four, avid promoter of Bitcoin adoption from the ground up through strong grass-roots involvement in the local Meet Up group. He has orange pilled friends in multiple countries and is looking for opportunities to foster the adoption of Bitcoin everywhere he travels. A close Bitcoin Podcaster friend told him once: "We only need 500 Alans around the world and bitcoin would be the standard in a year."


Orange Pilling the World's Masses
Ulf Heyden, Paco, Riccardo Giorgio Frega, Samantha de Waal, Alan Jackson

World travellers and experts share their first-hand accounts of trying to orange pill people that have never heard of Bitcoin before.

Bitfinex Stage