Adopting Bitcoin 2022

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Gentle orange-pilling with Lightning Tip Cards
16/11, 13:15–14:00 (America/El_Salvador), Voltage Room
Idioma: English

How do you inspire people for Bitcoin without overwhelming the other end with information?

Our idee is simple: Hand out a lightning tip card - which you have loaded with sats before. It doesn't matter to whom you give your tipcard, e.g. a waiter, a taxi driver. They produced some value for you and now you can show your appreciation by giving some sats.

The tipcards landing page gives a short introduction into Bitcoin and explains the giftee how to receive the sats. Maybe your way of saying "thank you" is the gently way of handing out the orange pill 🍊💊🧡

👉 Check it out at

Johannes is a software engineer and founder of Bitcoin Austria, dedicated to spreading the word about bitcoin for more than a decade.

Philipp Horwath is coder, trainer and a creative mind. As founding member of Satoshi Engineering he entered the bitcoin space a year ago. Since then he wants to bring Bitcoin to the people as simple as possible and tear down the walls of misunderstanding.