Adopting Bitcoin 2022

Bitcoin Product Management. Bitcoin Pre-mortem@2141
16/11/2022 , Auditorium
Idioma: English

Let's travel to the future to 2141. Learn about PM tools than make Bitcoin products thrive.
A futuristic view that allow us to learn from our mistake even before it happens and built openness culture.

Pre-Mortem is a tool used for several big tech companies and startups in Silicon Valley.
It's a powerful learning experience that even Venture Capitalists use to analyze their investments.
I will not be easy but #BitcoinersFixthis horrible future where Bitcoin failed.


Bitcoin TV:

Dulce is the founder of Librería Satoshi -Library of Satoshi- and Director of Products, Lightning Network at Bakkt. Her passion is learning and sharing knowledge about Bitcoin & LN and building products for financial freedom. She has studied economics and is self-taught in programming and English.
She 🧡 loves 🫓,🤗,🌎 🇲🇽, 🌉,🛼& 🏄‍♀️.

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