06-12, 15:00–18:00 (Europe/Berlin), Palais Atelier
Barcamps are informal sessions, a kind of "un-conference", with a schedule decided on the day. It is all driven by the interests and expertise of those who attend so each one is different, but ours are always great!
Although the barcamp doesn't have a strict schedule, it won't be completely devoid of structure! #bbuzz barcamps are dynamic events, focused on the overall Berlin Buzzwords topics, tackling the same challenges but in a different format. At the barcamp each session runs for 30 minutes giving enough time to get into the meat of a topic, but without a chance of anyone getting bored. These are participatory sessions and more inclusive than regular conference talks, with everyone taking part. You can help by leading the session, by giving some insights, by asking some great questions, or maybe just with your enthusiasm.
The barcamp will be coordinated and moderated by Nick Burch.
Registration starts from 2:30pm
Get your ticket now!
Register for Berlin Buzzwords in our ticket shop! We also have online tickets and reduced tickets for students available and you can find more information about our Diversity Ticket Initiative here!
Nick is heavily involved in a number of Apache projects, such as Tika and POI, while having the fortune to know many of the people involved in the Apache Big Data and Search space! When not helping out with Apache things, Nick works as the Director of Engineering at FLEC, where he leads a team making heavy use of Open Source technologies. When not helping improve the logistics industry, he is often to be found attending or organising BarCamps, Geek Nights, or other such fun events dedicated to sharing what's great and new!