خبز ونت 2022

خبز ونت 2022

Jeje Mohamed

Jeje Mohamed is the program manager for digital safety and free expression at PEN America. She has over nine years of experience working on human rights issues, journalism, and safety and security in the Middle East and internationally. Previously, she was a Next-Gen Safety Trainers fellow with the International Women’s Media Foundation, developing inclusive and trauma-informed safety and security training. She managed several campaigns and programs focusing on racial disparities and human rights violations in Egypt and exile. She led and took part in the production of documentaries focusing on social issues and founded Witness Magazine which covered human rights abuses in Egypt and the Middle East.


4:30 م
60 دقيقة
استراتيجيات الدفاع عن النفس للصحافيين والناشطين الذين يواجهون التحرش عبر الإنترنت - Self-Defense Strategies for Journalists and Activists Facing Online Harassment
Elodie Vialle, Jeje Mohamed, Mohammed al-maskati, Mirvat Salameh, Amer Ammache

Participants will be empowered to understand, protect against, and respond to the evolving threat of online harassment that stifles freedom of expression, threatens livelihoods, and undermines equity. They will receive tips on navigating online abuse by learning about PEN America’s Online Harassment Field Manual, which has been adapted into Arabic for the Middle East and North Africa in partnership with the National Democratic Institute. Attendees will explore the unique challenges of online harassment in MENA, discuss best practices for individuals and organizations and will learn how to mobilize online communities to defend against online harassment.

خطاب الكراهية والمعلومات المغلوطة/المضللة أونلاين
Spaceship 001