خبز ونت 2022

خبز ونت 2022

What is the role of data and tech in the delivery of maternal and reproductive health services? - ما هو دور البيانات والتكنولوجيا في ضمان صحة الأم والصحة الإنجابية؟
16‏/11‏/2022 , Spaceship 001

This session is for people who want to learn about what data processing and technologies are being deployed in the sector of digital health and in particular maternal, newborn and child healthcare, and ongoing research is being undertaken in this domain in the Middle East with a focus on Palestine and Jordan. The session will aim to inspire participants to identify opportunities for advocacy to ensure a rights-based approach to digital initiatives which considers the fulfilment of the right to health as well as other fundamental rights.

This panel discussion will explore the use of data and technology in the reproductive and maternal health sector with a particular focus on Palestine and Jordan.

The panellists will present their ongoing multi-disciplinary research into how gender and human rights are being considered and integrated (or not) in the design and implementation of digital maternal, newborn and child healthcare (MNCHC) initiatives in fragile settings. The presentations will outline the current policy and regulatory frameworks in place as well as primary findings emerging from engagement with the designers, users, and beneficiaries of selected digital MNCHC initiatives. The session will also reflect on the impact of Covid-19 to drive digital health and showcase ongoing advocacy efforts to ensure a rights-based approach to digital initiatives which considers the fulfilment of the right to health as well as other fundamental rights.

"""ستبحث حلقة النقاش هذه في استخدام البيانات والتكنولوجيا في قطاع الصحة الإنجابية وصحة الأم مع التركيز بشكل خاص على فلسطين والأردن.

سيقدّم المشاركون في حلقة النقاش بحوثهم المستمرة والمتعدّدة التخصصات حول كيف تتم (أو لا تتم) مراعاة النوع الاجتماعي وحقوق الإنسان وإدماجهما في تصميم وتنفيذ مبادرات الرعاية الصحية الرقمية للأمهات والمواليد الجدد والأطفال في البيئات الهشّة. ستحدّد العروض التقديمية السياسات الحالية والأطر التنظيمية المعمول بها، بالإضافة إلى النتائج الأولية الناشئة عن المشاركة مع المصممين والمستخدمين والمستفيدين من مبادرات الرعاية الصحية الرقمية للأمهات والمواليد الجدد والأطفال المختارة. ستنظر الجلسة أيضًا في تأثير جائحة فيروس كورونا على تعزيز الصحة الرقمية وإبراز جهود المناصرة المستمرة لضمان اتباع نهج قائم على الحقوق للمبادرات الرقمية التي تنظر في إعمال الحق في الصحة وكذلك الحقوق الأساسية الأخرى.

Alexandrine is Director of Strategy at Privacy International. She manages and oversees the development and delivery of Privacy International's strategic portfolio aimed at ensuring that innovative solutions serve individual and communities and protection their dignity rather than state power and corporate interest. This portfolio explores issues of digital identity, protecting communities at risk online, the digitisation of access to economic, social and cultural rights, and the use of data and technology in immigration enforcement control and border management.

Previously, she was engaged in research and advocacy on issues relating to human rights, irregular migration, Security Sector Reform (SSR), gender, conflict management, and human security. Alexandrine graduated from the University of Birmingham with an MSc in Conflict, Security and Development following an LLM in International Law at the University of Westminster following and BA in Law with International Relations from Oxford Brookes University.