خبز ونت 2022

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Nadine Moawad

Feminist techie researching artificial intelligence and digital economies on a Mozilla Tech & Society fellowship. Part of the grant-making design circle of the Numun Fund (numun.fund) for feminist tech and the Platform Cooperatives Consortium (platform.coop). Fan of the Interledger Protocol and collaborating with Al Mawred Al Thaqafy on Culture 3.0.


3:00 م
60 دقيقة
Artistic Labor & the Digital Economy
Sarah Kuhail, Nadine Moawad, Ammar Manla Hasan - عمار منلا حسن, Areej Abou Harb, Yara El Murr (she/her) | kotobli, David habchy
المثالية الرقمية والمستقبل
Spaceship 001