خبز ونت 2022

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Michael Atsbeha

Michael Atsbeha is social media specialist with a focus on hate speech and disinformation. A journalist with expertise in East and the Horn of Africa region, Michael has over 15 years of reporting experience with international news outlets and broadcasters. He specializes in social media data analytics as well as advanced factchecking and verification. Michael is passionate about freedom of expression that respects individual’s right to exercise all forms of speech without fear or unlawful restrictions. Furthermore, he strongly believes these rights should come with individual and collective responsibilities to protect communities from hate speech, incitement and violence.


11:30 ص
60 دقيقة
Failures of AI Content Moderation on Conflict: Adopting a Solutions-Based Approach - فشل إدارة المحتوى المتعلق بالنزاع بواسطة الذكاء الاصطناعي: اعتماد نهج قائم على الحلول
Marwa Fatafta, Amira Galal, Ribal Azzin, Michael Atsbeha, rafiq copeland

Participants will have a stronger understanding of how harmful speech on social media manifests and how it fuels conflict regardless of context.
Participants will gain insight into the limitations of AI content moderation and current practices
Panellists will discuss solutions (policy, advocacy, capacity building, awareness raising) and how these could contribute to improving conflict situations.

خطاب الكراهية والمعلومات المغلوطة/المضللة أونلاين
4th Dimension