خبز ونت 2022

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Afef Abrougui

Afef is a researcher, writer, and consultant working at the intersection of technology and human rights, with nearly ten years of work experience in the non-profit sector. She currently works as a Research Lead at SMEX. Previously, she worked as an editor for Global Voices' Advox project, which covers the intersection of technology and human rights in the Global South, and Ranking Digital Rights, a non-profit research initiative that sets human rights-based standards for companies in the ICT sector. Afef holds a media studies MA (New Media and Digital Culture track) from the University of Amsterdam.


11:30 ص
90 دقيقة
الجهود المبذولة للدعوة إلى التعاون لإنهاء قطع الإنترنت أثناء الامتحانات - Collaborative Advocacy Efforts to end the Practice of Internet Shutdowns during Exams
Afef Abrougui, Hanna Kreitem

Participants will learn about the findings of a new research conducted by SMEX with Internet Society’s support on the impacts of internet shutdowns during exams on the open internet, the economy and society in the Arab region. They will also come together to contribute ideas and strategies to end the practice of internet shutdowns with the purpose of continuing these efforts to launch a collaborative campaign in 2023.

إتاحة الإنترنت
Parallel Universe
4:45 م
60 دقيقة
Tips for Effective Reporting on Digital Rights كتابة المقالات حول مواضيع الحقوق الرقمية
Afef Abrougui, عبد قطايا, Nourhane Kazak
الحقوق الرقمية 101
Spaceship 001
11:30 ص
60 دقيقة
The Many Faces of Telcos: Uncovering the Impact of Opaque Policies on Shutdowns and Net Neutrality - الوجوه المتعددة لشركات الاتصالات: الكشف عن تأثيرالسياسات الغامضة على عمليات قطع الإنترنت وحيادية
Afef Abrougui, Leandro Ucciferri, Zak Rogoff

Participants will be more informed about current transparency gaps across the telecom industry, particularly with respect to network shutdowns and net neutrality. They will also learn how civil society organizations have adapted Ranking Digital Rights' open methodology to evaluate telcos' human rights commitments, policies and practices. Participants will also be encouraged to share their own experiences and knowledge, in order to identify potential action points and cross-collaboration connecting CSOs in different countries that are facing similar challenges.

الأعمال التجارية وحقوق الإنسان
Parallel Universe
12:30 م
30 دقيقة
Red Card on Digital Rights: Join us for a Launch of a SMEX/RDR World Cup Campaign
Afef Abrougui, Jessica Dheere
الاستبداد الرقمي