خبز ونت 2022

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Zak Rogoff

Zak Rogoff is a research manager at Ranking Digital Rights. He works for an internet that truly serves the interests of everyone, and he believes the human rights framework is the best way to get there.

Rogoff has appeared on Al Jazeera and had writing and quotations published in outlets from Motherboard to the scientific journal Nature. Before becoming a researcher, Rogoff worked as a digital rights campaigner. At Access Now, he campaigned against internet shutdowns with a global coalition. Before that, he fought to maintain the security and openness of the technology underlying the web, leading campaigns at the Free Software Foundation. He has also worked to rein in government surveillance as a campaigner at U.S.-based Fight for the Future and a research fellow at the Chilean NGO Derechos Digitales.


11:30 ص
60 دقيقة
The Many Faces of Telcos: Uncovering the Impact of Opaque Policies on Shutdowns and Net Neutrality - الوجوه المتعددة لشركات الاتصالات: الكشف عن تأثيرالسياسات الغامضة على عمليات قطع الإنترنت وحيادية
Afef Abrougui, Leandro Ucciferri, Zak Rogoff

Participants will be more informed about current transparency gaps across the telecom industry, particularly with respect to network shutdowns and net neutrality. They will also learn how civil society organizations have adapted Ranking Digital Rights' open methodology to evaluate telcos' human rights commitments, policies and practices. Participants will also be encouraged to share their own experiences and knowledge, in order to identify potential action points and cross-collaboration connecting CSOs in different countries that are facing similar challenges.

الأعمال التجارية وحقوق الإنسان
Parallel Universe