Bread&Net 2022

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Amged B Shwehdy - أمجدبدر

Mr Shwehdy -known as Amjad-Badr- a social entrepreneur from Libya, passionate about technology and its applications, and advocates for digital transformation and good governance. Amjad-Badr specialized in utilizing ICT for Development and Social Innovation with experience working for non-profit and public sectors in Libya. Currently, he is pursuing his master's degree in eGovernance and Digital Transformation and continues volunteering with a number of organizations in Libya.


جمع المحتوى على منصات التواصل الإجتماعي والتطبيقات البحثية لتحليل المحتوى
Amged B Shwehdy - أمجدبدر, Jehad Oumer, Amjad Khurwat
Alternative techs & Open Source
Parallel Universe
قانون الجريمة الالكترونية الليبي، بعبع جديد لتكميم الأفواه
Amged B Shwehdy - أمجدبدر, Jehad Oumer, Feras Bezanti
Law, Policy, & Sovereignty
The in Between