Bread&Net 2022

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القوة للناس: عندما تكون سردية النجاح مبنية على قوة أهل القضية
11-16, 15:30–16:00 (Asia/Beirut), Spaceship 001

ستتمحور الجلسة حول التحدث عن مسؤوليتنا كمجتمع رقمي في بناء قوة أهل القضية ونشر سردية نجاح الحملات المجتمعية الناجمة من أصحاب القضية.
خلال الجلسة سوف نجيب على أسئلة التالية:
- من هم أهل القضية؟
- السردية الحالية المحيطة بأهل القضية وقوتهم وقدرتهم
- ماذا نقصد بإرجاع القوة للناس والاستثمار فيها والبناء عليها؟ وكيف يقومون اهل القضية بالتنظيم وبناء قوّتهم ككتلكة مجمتعية ناشطة ومطالبة؟ وأثر ذلك على المجتمعات الناشطة العربية
- ما أهمية سردية النجاح؟

سنجيب على تلك الأسئلة من خلال أمثلة من حملات مجتمعية، سياسية وعمالية نجحت في تحقيق التغيير من الوطن العربي مثل حملة لا تكبرونا بعدنا صغار وحملة نعد للعشرة من البقاع في لبنان - حملة 6 دقائق وبيوت آمنة من الأردن - حملة برافو لن يمر وارفض شعبك بيحميك من فلسطين - وحملة قم مع المعلم من الأردن

وسوف نختم الجلسة بسؤال نقاشي مع الحضور يناقش مسؤولية النشطاء في المجال الرقمي في نشر سردية نجاح قوة أهل القضية. سنفتح المجال بعدها لاسئلة من الحضور

Yomna Mohamed, a passionate community organizer from Cairo, Egypt.
After graduating from School of Pharmacy in 2014, Yomna studied project management at the American University in Cairo and was Certified as an Agile practitioner from the PMI in 2020.
She was awarded Certificates from the Harvard Executive Education program in the Leadership, Organizing and Action : Leading Change (LOA) in 2018 & Public Narrative: Leadership, Storytelling, and Action in 2019.
Over the last 5 years,Yomna has been training & coaching community leaders and organizers from Egypt, India, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon and other countries. and as a teaching fellow with Ahel She worked with organizers from the Middle East empowering them with leadership tools to achieve the change they seek for their organizations, countries & the whole world.
Now, she is working with Ahel as the program manager of Athar Network for the Arab Organizers, leading more than 100 members of the network with the vision of building faith in people power & their ability to make change.

Born and raised in Amman, Jordan, obtaining her undergraduate degree in Management Sciences from the German Jordanian University and then her postgraduate degree in Emerging Economies and Inclusive Development from King’s College London in 2018. With experience working in sustainable community-based tourism development, she joined Ahel in 2020 as a Campaign Coach in the Coaching Campaigns Department. Since then, Farah has coached different campaigns organizing for various causes, people with disabilities rights, children rights, and health rights. In mid-2021, Farah completed her Executive Education in Leadership, Organizing and Action: Leading Change from Harvard University. In 2022, Farah is also leading the Leadership & Team program at Ahel; a program of coaching interventions to build collective leadership in collective action for campaigns across the Arab World.