Bread&Net 2022

Digital Security: How to Plan for it? - الأمن الرقمي: كيفية التخطيط له؟
11-17, 14:30–15:30 (Asia/Beirut), The in Between

Participants will learn about methodologies and resources useful to explore the digital security threats concerning their work.

We will facilitate a participatory session designed to collectively and collaboratively discuss with practitioners ways to protect themselves, their collaborators and communities.

The session will be held off the record, and under the Chatham House Rule. Participants will be invited to share information about their work only to the extent they feel comfortable with.

In this workshop we will explore tools to protect yourself in your work and activism.

As it is not possible to protect against every kind of malicious attack or adversary, it is important to learn how to assess the risks we may be exposed to, prioritize their likelihood and severity and come up with a plan to address this.

During the workshop we will discuss and learn how to use a threat assessment matrix, designed to identify the risks that may hinder your and your communities’ digital security and start assessing what may be a suitable and sustainable plan to strengthen your safety.

Through this interactive session, we will discuss strategies for personal and community safety and provide resources for further support.

سنستكشف في هذه الورشة كيف يمكنكم حماية أنفسكم في عملكم ونشاطكم.
نظرًا إلى أنه من غير الممكن الوقاية من كل أنواع الهجمات الخبيثة أو الخصوم، من المهم معرفة كيفية تقييم المخاطر التي قد نتعرّض لها، وتحديد احتمالية حدوثها وشدتها والأولويات ذات الصلة والتوصل إلى خطة لمعالجتها.
خلال ورشة العمل، سنناقش ونتعلم كيفية استخدام مصفوفة تقييم التهديدات، المصمَّمة لتحديد المخاطر التي قد تقوّض أمنكم وأمن مجتمعاتكم الرقمي، والبدء في وضع خطة مناسبة ومستدامة لتعزيز سلامتكم.
سنناقش استراتيجيات السلامة الشخصية والمجتمعية، كما سنوفر الموارد لمزيد من الدعم.

Badreddinne Taamallah is a Security Incident Handler at Access Now. He graduated with a national engineering degree in software engineering. He loves consuming knowledge about different technologies and topics. He also loves having constant challenges in his life and helping people such as making tutoring sessions to different subjects and levels mainly bachelor and doing web development freelance at the same time.