COSCUP x RubyConf TW 2021

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Open Source Tools for production on Ethereum + xDai
08-01, 13:45–14:15 (Asia/Taipei), TR211
Language: 漢語

Target audience

會在 Ethereum 上面部署 production DeFi 專案並且提供 web 介面的開發團隊

Translate Title

Open Source Tools for production on Ethereum + xDai

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乍看之下區塊鏈與 DeFi 技術滿點又光鮮亮麗,但實際經歷過 Production 的 DeFi 專案的人肯定都踩過滿坑滿谷的地雷。本講題將會分享 Perpetual Protocol 在 Ethereum + xDai sidechain 這樣的技術架構下,所使用過的工具、踩過的地雷以及一些因應這樣特殊環境所自製的開源工具。題目大致涵蓋:
- Hardhat 與自製的 Migration plugin
- Ethereum + xDai 開發與部署的痛點
- 一些常用工具推薦

Talk Length


English Abstract

DeFi Projects on the blockchain are always shiny and promising, but it is actually like in the stone age compare with the modern developing environment -- you need a stone ax to make a car. this talk will share open-source tools we use in perpetual protocol especially for DeFi crossing between Ethereum + xDai. the topics include:
- Hardhat and our customize migration plugin
- the pain points of development and deployment on Ethereum + xDai
- Some recommend tools

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