
Shreya Siddhartha

In spite of being a passionate literature student, I had always been keen towards technological advancements going around me. So, I read as much as I can aiming to acquire an understanding of how things work. In addition to that, I love to simplify, organise, and manage stuff; not just professionally! I truly believe this is what makes me a good technical writer. In upcoming years, my only aim is to never stop learning!


Educating Technical Writers: From Classroom to Community
Kalyani Desai, Shreya Siddhartha

The role of a technical writer extends far beyond the act of writing alone. In this session, we'll debunk the misconceptions related to technical writing and explore the multifaceted skill set required of modern technical writers. From understanding user needs to mastering tools and technologies, educating attendees contains a diverse range of competencies.

Open Track
E105 (capacity 70)