jiri vanek
I'm an principal QA engineer in Red Hat OpenJDK team.
the path of JDK to its fully opensource shape was painful. Over GNU classpath, through VM-less JDK, up to OpenJDK, from Sun, over distribution builds to Oracle. From OpenJDK sources to final JDK. Because how to build jDK, really metters. This talk should cover up build evolution of JDK which led to current mainstream Eclipse Adoptium Temrin JDK as new reference build
This game - workshop - will be set of miss-behaving java programs, where attendees will be given runtime java reverse engineering tools and some quick introduction how to use them.
The goal will be to hot-patch and fix those programs as quickly as possible in most complicated way (obfuscated, without debuginfo)... well... to fix them at all if possible.
A prerequisite is need to have at least jdk11 and jdk17 on own laptop, where the game will be played