
Rachel Sibley

Rachel Sibley is a Senior Principal Quality Engineer at Red Hat with around 20 years of experience in Quality Engineering, currently leading the testing efforts for the Red Hat In-Vehicle Operating System working towards achieving Functional Safety Certification.


Leveraging RHEL’s strengths for Testing and Continuous Improvement
Rachel Sibley, Luigi Pellecchia

Please join us for a session where we will speak about how we plan to leverage RHEL’s strengths for supporting ISO 26262 Functional Safety Certification. By repeating maintainer prescribed tests, we are working towards enabling tests within the safety scope to be executed against the target hardware. Additionally, we are contributing to a framework responsible for performing additional validation checks on top of the test artifacts to provide Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to be used towards continuous certification.

Edge, Mobile, and Automotive
E112 (capacity 156)
Leadership: Where people skills meet programmers
Veronika Kabatova, Barbora Holusova, Rachel Sibley

What are some misconceptions about leadership, and what is it actually about? How does it translate into different professional domains such as tech leads or people managers? And what leadership skills should everyone possess, whether you aspire to lead or simply aim to enhance your professional toolkit?

Join us in a panel discussion among a manager, developer, and QE leads, where we'll shed some light on how to become a successful leader, and why "You don't need people skills in IT" is a dirty lie.

Agility, Leadership, and DEI
D0207 (capacity 90)