
Renata Ravanelli

I'm Renata Ravanelli, a senior software engineer working with CoreOS at Red Hat/Fedora. I'm based in Brazil, where I work passionately on developing and enhancing CoreOS technologies.
I hold a degree in Computer Science and a specialization in Management and Strategy Business. Throughout my career, I've predominantly focused on infrastructure and DevOps technologies.
With over 10 years of experience in the Linux industry, my passion lies in open source technologies. I believe in the power of collaboration and transparency, and I am committed to harnessing the potential of open source to drive innovation and empower individuals worldwide.


Container Alchemy: Unleashing the Magic of Fedora/Red Hat CoreOS Customization with OSBuild Image Builder
Renata Ravanelli

Join me for an enlightening discussion as I introduce Fedora CoreOS and Red Hat CoreOS, operating systems designed for lightweight and container-centric environments. Together, we'll explore the CoreOS Assembler, a revolutionary build environment, and how it addresses challenges in traditional image creation methods. Discover the power of OsBuild and its role in simplifying these processes. Plus, I'll walk you through the user-friendly experience of the new OSBuild coreos-assembler image builder works. Don't miss this opportunity to dive into the future of efficient OS development with me!

  • Introduction to Fedora CoreOS and Red Hat CoreOS:
    Overview of the lightweight, container-focused operating systems.
  • This is the CoreOS Assembler our build environment
  • What is coreos-assembler
  • How we build CoreOs systems
  • Challenges in traditional image creation method
  • Osbuild image
    • Introduction to OsBuild and its role in addressing these challenges.
  • The new OSBuild coreos-assembler image builder
    • User experience
Linux Distributions and Operating Systems
A113 | Lightning Talks (capacity 64)