
Stef Walter

Stef Walter, Senior Director of Linux Engineering

Stef joined Red Hat in 2012 as an engineer working to make Linux integrated, discoverable, and usable. He has more than 20 years and 100 projects of experience working with open source. Among other things he led the RHEL Web Console “Cockpit” project, and became passionate about automating engineering tasks, integration testing and continuous delivery.

He now leads an engineering organization responsible for a large part of the RHEL including our AI accelerator enablement, CoreOS and container workflows.

Stef has lived all over the world. He now lives with his wife and 3 kids in Germany with his wife and three kids. Stef gets into the mountains as often as possible, flying, climbing, skiing, and trekking.


Keynote: What if you could boot a container?
Dan Walsh, Stef Walter, Colin Walters

People talk about “Linux containers” forgetting that the part actually called “Linux”, the kernel, isn’t in the container.

But what if you could include a kernel in your container image, and what if you could boot that image? What if you could commit the definition of your whole Linux system to version control. What if you could push around images for the entire system, just like you can with containers. And finally: what if this was a documented and tested first class workflow supported by your Linux OS/distribution?

Let’s take the practices, tooling and standards that have grown around OCI containers for applications and apply them to the operating system. Let’s deploy and update the host via those same patterns, rather than individual fine grained packages. As we emphasize derived, consumer-owned builds, let’s make it ergonomic to create and maintain a complete trust chain all the way from the boot loader through the OS right through to existing containerized apps. Let’s bring immutability, auto-updating, resetting along as well.

We’d like to show how this can work practically, with real world applications, and built out of the packages we have today. We’ll look at the projects that are working on various parts of this puzzle.

There’ll be demos, there’ll be prizes, there’ll be cheers, there’ll be tears. This work has gotten us excited about the operating system again, and we’d love to share it with you.

Cloud, Hybrid Cloud, and Hyperscale Infrastructure
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