Maintenance-free self-hosting : deploy your cool apps on FCOS
06-13, 14:00–15:20 (Europe/Prague), C228 | Workshops (capacity 24)

Abstract: Fedora CoreOS is a perfect fit to host and run your containerized services !
Learn how to provision a CoreOS instance and take advantage of the auto-updates for a maintenance-free system, so you can focus on what matters to you: the running workloads.
We will briefly go over the differences between Fedora CoreOS and traditional Linux operating system distributions.

Throughout the workshop attendees will gain practical insights and hand-on experience in deploying and running FCOS and applications on it.
The hands-on session of the workshop will cover:

  • Provisioning with Ignition/Butane
  • Booting Fedora CoreOS for the first time
  • Running provisioning scripts and containers on boot
  • Understanding how updates work
  • Performing rollback if needed

By the end you will be ready to deploy Fedora CoreOS to run your workloads and contribute back to the growing Fedora CoreOS community.

See also: Matrix Chat

Red Hat developper working on Fedora CoreOS and Red Hat Core OS (the underlying OS for Openshift Container Platform)

This speaker also appears in:

Red Hat developer working on Fedora and RHEL Core OS