
Building Fedora Cloud Images with Kiwi Image Builder: A Comprehensive Guide
06-13, 10:15–11:35 (Europe/Prague), C228 | Workshops (capacity 24)

In this workshop, we will guide participants through the process of building Fedora Cloud Images using the powerful and versatile Kiwi image builder. Kiwi is an open-source tool that simplifies the creation of customized Linux images for various platforms, including the cloud.

During the session, we will cover the following topics:

Introduction to Kiwi Image Builder: We will provide an overview of the Kiwi tool, its features, and its role in building Fedora Cloud Images.

Setting Up the Environment: We will guide participants on setting up the necessary dependencies and configuring the environment for image building.

Image Customization: We will explore the different customization options available in Kiwi, such as package selection, configuration tweaks, and adding custom scripts.

Advanced Techniques: We will demonstrate advanced techniques for optimizing image size, enhancing security, and integrating with cloud platforms.

Testing and Deployment: We will discuss strategies for testing the built images and deploying them to popular cloud providers.

See also: Matrix Chat

Neal is a developer and contributor in Fedora, Mageia, and openSUSE, focusing primarily on the base Linux system components, such as package and software management. He's a big believer in "upstream first", which has led him all over the open source world.

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David Duncan Manages a Partner Solutions Architecture Team at Amazon Web Services. David has been a Red Hat and Fedora Project participant for more than 15 years. David works on the Fedora Cloud Edition as a member of the Fedora Project.

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