
Ensuring fair behavior among Autonomous Vehicles
06-13, 12:30–13:05 (Europe/Prague), E105 (capacity 70)

The rapid evolution of autonomous systems is leading to the formation of Autonomous Ecosystems, complex networks of machines with their own governance challenges. A good example of such ecosystem could be a city with Autonomous Vehicles. A key issue in these ecosystems is to ensure that machines behave fairly towards each other. This talk proposes a novel interdisciplinary approach by utilizing blockchain technology to monetize fairness. By creating fairness tokens, the fair behavior of machines becomes a quantifiable, incentivized metric. Fair behavior can be rewarded with these tokens, which can also be used to purchase fairness within the ecosystem. This approach not only encourages equitable machine interactions but also offers a self-regulating mechanism for the maintenance and governance of these ecosystems.

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Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat by day, with 10+ years experience in Ruby. Researcher at Masaryk University by night, working on his PhD thesis about Trust, Safety and Autonomous Ecosystems. Currently living in Brno, Czech Republic.